Best Catfish Bait-Tony P's Punch Bait

Best Catfish Bait

Tony Pennebaker’s decades of experience in the dairy business and catfishing guide service have bloomed into Tony P’s Punch Bait Company.  Hand-crafted on Lake Tawakoni, Texas, Tony Pennebaker’s fish-catching natural ingredients are now the best catfish bait on the market.  Find out why catfish anglers on Lake Tawakoni and across Texas are giving Tony P’s Bunch Bait Five-Star Reviews.

AND… The Best Catfish Bait on the Market!


Our aged cheese and hand-picked natural fibers combined with our secret catfish-catching ingredients make Tony P’s Punch Bait a superior product for anglers.  We recommend a quality number four of six treble hook and a seven-foot medium action spinning rod with twenty-pound monofilament line.

Experience the Difference

Punch Bait is a cheese-based bait, but what separates Tony P’s products from the rest is experience and our hand-selected ingredients. We use hand-picked natural fibers with adhesive characteristics, allowing catfish anglers to use a standard number four or six treble hook without a sponge. Tony Pennebaker has over 30 years of experience as a professional catfish guide on Lake Tawakoni and was a dairy farmer for many years. Our experience with cheese and catfish is a great combination, and we produce the best catfish bait for all species.

How to Fish Punch Baits for Eater Catfish

Use a medium to light action seven-foot spinning rod with a reel loaded with 20-pound monofilament line. A Carolina Rig fished vertically from a boat works best with Tony P’s Punch Bait. You will need some split shots, #4 or #6 treble hook, a push stick, and Tony P’s Punch Bait. Our cheese and fiber combination allows anglers to skip a sponge on the treble hook. Push your treble hook in the punch bait with a stick and drop the blob of bait straight down to your target. Don’t worry about making a perfect ball of punch bait; catfish do not care. Skip the rod holders and keep your eye on the fishing line. Holding a punch bait rig will double your hook-up rate.

Eater Catfish and Monsters on Punch Bait

Most catfish anglers catch large numbers of eater fish with punch baits, and that is a lot of fun and makes for great fish fries. When you target large numbers of smaller channel and blue catfish, that’s what you catch. If you use a Carolina Rig with a size four treble hook and target giant catfish, anglers will catch some trophies. Our punch bait will float up off the bottom, and moving your rod a bit will trigger a big fish bite. Our best tip for catching catfish on Tony P’s Punch Bait is to hold the rod and set the hook on any movement. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Visit our shop, and if you want to book a Catfish Trip with Tony Pennebaker on Lake Tawakoni, click here.

Best Catfish Bait-Tony P's Punch Bait
Best Catfish Bait is Tony P's Punch Bait

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Tony P’s Punch Bait with Pre-Tied Rigs Combo

Tony P's Punch Bait is handcrafted on Lake Tawakoni, Texas, Catfishing capital, by professional fishing guide Tony Pennebaker.  Our best catfish bait is an all-natural cheese base punch bait that puts big fish in the net.  Tony Pennebaker's 30-plus years of experience and his careful blending of ingredients makes our punch bait the best catfish bait on the market.  We recommend our punch bait to be fished with light tackle and a number 4 or 6 treble hook with a slip bobber.  Tony P's Punch Bait comes in several sizes to meet every angler's needs.  PLEASE NOTE ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT.

1 pint (1 pound)
1 quart (2 pounds)
1/2 gallon (3.5 pounds)
1 gallon (7 pounds)
2 gallons (14 pounds)
5 gallons (35 pounds)

Catfish Punch Bait-Tony Ps